
Monday, July 31, 2023 from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM EDT
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Online and at the Sunray Peace Village
2202 Downingsville Road
Lincoln, VT
Onsite Location:
Sunray Peace Village

2202 Downingsville Road
Lincoln, Vermont


Post Elders and Youth Gathering Workshops 
Sunray Meditation Society 

Welcoming the Other with Grandmother Hears Crow 

Sunray welcomes back GM Hears Crow at the request of those who have found this workshop so valuable and wished to repeat it. Each time, one engages one finds richer and deeper teachings.

Welcoming the Other: “This powerful and highly interactive workshop inspires an appreciation and engagement of ‘the Other.’

In its core format, after laying foundational instruction – and a story or two! – participants engage in an exercise designed to evoke a strong, empathic response to being “outside,” ultimately invoking motivation to action. Dialogue and collaboration are used throughout; full advantage is made of the power of small groups and immersive creativity.”

Jim Brul, Founder of the Transformational Storytelling School

Grandmother Hears Crow, a woman of the Eastern Woodlands lives her life in the tradition of the Nanhigganêuck, the people known today as the Narragansett. For over thirty years, she has been a Storyteller primarily of Longhouse Tales and other indigenous cultures. “Stories are bridges that can link diverse cultures, transform our spirits, and open our hearts to one another.  When our cultures, spirits, and hearts are open, the Earth Mother will be healed.” 

Grandmother Hears Crow is also an educator, published poet, and workshop leader. She is on the Faculty of the Transformational Storytelling School, the Vermont State Liason to the National Storytelling Network, and a Youth Mentor through a forward-looking program, Youth Storytellers Standing Together. 

Email at storyteller@eenantowash.org 

Website HTTP://storyteller.eenantowash.org

The attendees should be equipped with a few sheets of paper and preferably a pencil, but a pen will do. Grandmother recommends participants bring water or some other beverage to sustain hydration.This an interactive workshop but not physically active. Grandmother has given permission for the recording of the workshop to be shared with participants afterwards but requests that they not share it with anyone who did not participate live in the workshop.


GM Hears Crow will be presenting via Zoom.
In-person participants will participate at the Peace Village (likely in the Adawee temple), interactively with other participants in the room.
Grandmother will not be physically in the temple, but she will be able to see the participants in the temple.
Grandmother will be broadcast to the temple via Zoom (on a TV screen).
In-person participants do not need to use their own devices for Zoom.