
Saturday December 3, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST
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Rockland Mansion
Rockland - East Fairmount Park
3810 Mt. Pleasant Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19121

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Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia


Bridges and Frame Shifts with
a Patient and her Parents:

Ethical Issues from Early Adolescence
to Middle Adulthood

This workshop will address clinical and ethical issues arising in Dr. Shapiro's work with a patient and her family.  Treatment including psychoanalysis and psychotherapy was started in early adolescence, and proceeded through mid and late adolescence and the odyssey years and into the beginning of middle adulthood.  Dr. Shapiro will present her therapeutic work with this patient including iterations of splits between mind and body; transgenerational and developmental trauma; developmental struggles over time; and losses and cross cultural issues for the patient and family involving emigration from their homeland.  The patient's progression through various development stages will be described, along with shifts that were made in the treatment frame - especially regarding including the parents in the work.  Certain therapeutic issues were also ethical issues, specifically boundaries within the therapeutic relationship and treatment milieu.  Dr. Shapiro will address the ethical issues involved in the presentation of this clinical material.  Attendees will be encouraged to actively participate with questions and discussion.


PRESENTER: Barbara Shapiro, MD

3.0 CE/CME credits available

Free for PCOP Members*, Students, and Fellows
$75 for Non-Members Seeking Credit
$30 for Non-Members not Seeking Credit

*If you are a basic level community member and only pay $100 in dues, you are not eligible to receive CE/CMEs from this event with your membership. If you want CE/CME credits, please pay the $75 Non-Member Seeking Credit fee or contact the PCOP office to upgrade your membership.



Registration for this event is closed. If you are still intersted in attending, please register on the waitlist here. If someone cancels his or her registration, the people on the waitlist will be contacted in the order in which they registered. Please contact the PCOP office if you have any questions.