
Trevor Eisenman 
The Association: Creative Film, Video & New Media Solutions 

Saturday, May 01
10am - Noon (Seminar)
1pm - 5pm (Workshop)

Burbank, CA (location will be emailed to you)

Bring a Laptop! (if you don't have one, call and we'll get you taken care of!)


  • Why are traditional methods of marketing and advertising not effective anymore?
  • How can Facebook make my current marketing more effective?
  • How can I do effective promotion inexpensively?
  • How do I use Facebook to get more clients and business immediately?
  • How do I get maximum payback for time I spend marketing?
  • I already have a Facebook Profile.  Why do I need a “Fan Page" for my business?
  • How do Personal Profiles and Fan Pages work together to ensure marketing success?
  • How do I formulate a  successful strategy and campaign to build my online professional network?
  • What are the best assets I leverage to increase my online visibility?
  • How many friends or fans do I need today to get more business in the door tomorrow?
  • How do I avoid being deleted by Facebook?

Expand Your Business With Social Media 


"I have more new clients than I can count."

     K.F., Business Owner

“The nice thing was that you feel you can ask questions and have fun. Trevor was not condescending.”
Mitch Perliss, MHP & Associates

“Personal approach, very informative and interactive.  A fun way to learn!”
     Bliss Maginnis, Sun Generated Technologies

“Trevor makes a confusing, unknown body of data knowable.” 
     Mary Kay Parodi

“You laid out, in simple terms, a way to develop an effective social media strategy. I gained information I can use.”
     Ray McKay, Media City Marketing Group

See what the latest happy camper is saying about our workshops!

Are you wondering how to develop more business and referrals right now?   Have you been told repeatedly that Facebook and other online social sites are vital, but don’t have an extra 20 hours in your week to figure it out?

Build your online professional network now.  Get effective, get more business, and more clients, right now.

Our results-oriented seminar and hands-on workshop is the straightforward step towards simplifying social media for your business.  Learn what you need in one day AND get it implemented before you leave!

The workshop will take place at The Association on Saturday, May 1. 

From 10 to 12, the seminar will teach you a complete but simple Facebook Referrals strategy in an introductory seminar

From 1 to 5, the workshop will help you implement the Facebook Referrals strategy in a hands on workshop.

The cost of the seminar only is $20 a person.  From this you will gain a basic understanding of what social media is, why it's vital for any  business to use it, and a complete Facebook Strategy anyone can implement.  Learn the main stumbling blocks that would prevent your online campaign from being successful.

The hands-on workshop and seminar is worth $800 of private one-on-one comsulting with one of our Social Media Strategists.  The cost of the hands-on workshop, normally $600, is temporarily reduced to  only $250 per person (if you register by Thursday at midnight, after which it's $300).  It includes the following takeaways:

  • Facebook personal profile: maximize & develop relationships with potential referral sources.
  • Facebook business Page: maximize your online visibility & develop new business online, 24/7.
  • The know-how & expertise to maintain an effective Facebook personal & business presence.
  • The Association's proprietary Facebook Campaign & Prospect Tracking System.  Learn where to invest your time and energy, measure results and keep track of new prospects.
  • Resources sheet: Facebook is a beginning strategy.  Our Resources Sheet gives you a few other tools you can use to get to the next level.
  • Simple and successful strategies to create online interaction and awareness for your brand.

This hands-on workshop and seminar is worth $800 of private one-on-one consulting with an online marketing consultant.

You're learning and getting what you need to bring in leads online.  Register today!

Contact Trevor at The Association for more info.
(818) 841-9660