

Bike Resources

Map Your Route

Outrace a BMW? Discover a new route? Dodge a milkshake?

Don't just tell your coworkers, share your stories and pictures on: 

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Ben Foster 
Greater Mercer TMA 


Ride, Register & Win!  

  • First 50 people to sign-up receive a limited edition Bike2Work T-Shirt. 
  • Prizes from local bike shops and businesses will be raffled on May 24th. Check out our sponsors below!    
  • Registration is FREE and open to everyone.  Several people mentioned that they did not register for Bike to Work Week last year because they either did not work, worked from home, went to school, or were retired. We encourage you to register regardless of whether you ride to an office. So long as you're out there on a bike you deserve to be counted.


We ask that you register for two reasons:
  1. It lets us know how many cyclists will be commuting and the distance of the commutes. This information is very important as we continue to advocate for bicycle friendly communities in Mercer.
  2. By registering we can reward your efforts with prizes.

      When you bike to work, you . . .

    • Let someone else pay those high gas prices.
    • Find the best parking spot.
    • Get in your daily workout.
    • Lose a pound or 2, or more! A 30-minute ride to and from work at a leisurely pace burns 500 calories.
    • Reduce your carbon footprint by making one less trip by car.


     Be a part of this nationally recognized event and register today!

    gmtmalogoFor over 25 years, Greater Mercer Transportation Management Association has provided commuter services to employers, commuters and the community. Established as a nonprofit, GMTMA is a public-private partnership dedicated to reducing traffic congestion and improving mobility in and around Mercer County. Our association consists of large and small employers, local governments, authorities and state agencies who share a commitment to providing transportation choices that are good for commuters, good for business and good for the environment.