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Melody Thomas-Scott 
The Racial Diversity Collaborative 
(301) 439-6635


March 31, 2010 at 09:00 AM 
March 31, 2010 at 11:30 AM 

Add to my calendar Continental breakfast will be served.


Bridgeway Community Church 
9189 Red Branch Road
Columbia, MD 21045-2013

Driving Directions 

Racial Diversity Collaborative Leaders


A. Adar Ayira, Project Manager, Associated Black Charities

Chuck Bean, Executive Director, Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington

Luis Borunda, President/CEO. U.S. Hispanic Youth Entrepreneur Education

Diane Bell-McKoy, Chief Executive Officer, Associated Black Charities

Darryl Jones, Sr., Chief Executive Officer, Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations

Betsy Nelson, Executive Director, Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers

Glen O'Gilvie, Chief Executive Officer, Center for Nonprofit Advancement

Beatriz Otero, President/CEO, CentroNia

A Special Thank You To Our Sponsors

 ABAG Logo





Finding Tomorrow's Leaders Today: Action Planning for Diversifying Local Nonprofit Leadership Event

Don't Miss This One-Of-A-Kind Event For Nonprofit Leaders in the Baltimore/Washington DC Region!

Join over a hundred local nonprofit leaders as we gather together for the unveiling of the exclusive findings in the first major study on nonprofit leadership diversity in the Baltimore-Washington region. The ground-breaking report reviews the current status of racial diversity in our region's nonprofits, as well as recommends and discusses how to help emerging leaders of color expand their reach. Hear the results collected from focus groups and surveys among your peers and colleagues relating to the challenges and opportunities through the eyes of nonprofit leaders of color and white leaders throughout the region.

Building and sustaining diverse and inclusive board, management and staff leadership is essential for the long-term success of nonprofit organizations. With funding from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation through the Innovative Practice Fund of the Fieldstone Alliance, the Racial Diversity Collaborative commissioned a unique survey of nonprofit leaders of color and white leaders led by the Urban Institute and a companion study with focus groups led by Dr. Michela Perrone, an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University.

 There's More! You will have the opportunity to hear a special presentation by Ralph Smith, Executive Vice President of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, as well as a panel discussion by nonprofit leaders of color and white leaders as they share their challenges and opportunities while reflecting on ideas for future action around this work.  

The Results Are In! Carol DeVita of the Urban Institute will present the highlights of the study that makes the challenges and opportunities real as she reveals the actual numbers making up the data included in the study. Based on the information provided, The Racial Diversity Collaborative will discuss with you how they will further shape the next phase of their work.

The Program Highlights Include: RalphSmith photo 

  • Keynote remarks and call to action by  Ralph Smith, Executive Vice President of the Annie E. Casey Foundation
  • Overview of the survey results by Carol DeVita of the Urban Institute.
  • Overview of qualitative research on success factors learned from in-depth interviews and Devita Photofocus groups.
  • Facilitated discussion by a panel of diverse nonprofit leaders on the opportunities and challenges addressed by this report  and concrete actions steps that are possible for all nonprofit organizations.

RSVP NOW, so you can hear about the needs of leaders of color related to funding, networking, career development, and more! Come see how YOU can be a part of a truly historic turning point within the nonprofit sector and be captivated by what the study and its companion report reveal regarding the real issues, challenges, and opportunities faced by diverse nonprofit leaders within the Baltimore-Washington region.

About The Racial Diversity Collaborative

The Racial Diversity Collaborative is comprised of a group of nonprofit leaders within the Baltimore-Washington region that together work to support and expand the number of leaders of color in significant nonprofit leadership positions throughout the region. Launched in 2009, the mission of the Racial Diversity Collaborative is to advance the effectiveness of the nonprofit sector through more diverse leadership where leaders of color are increasingly visible as top leaders and board members of leading nonprofits throughout the Baltimore-Washington region. The goal of the Racial Diversity Collaborative is to be a catalyst for actions – research, social networking, a website, and pilot projects – that increase retention and selection of leaders of color in the leadership positions within the nonprofit sector.

Why Use Bridgeway Community Church?

BridgewayThe Racial Diversity Collaborative selected Bridgeway Community Church over other meeting facilities based on what the Church stands for in their awareness of racial diversity. Bridgeway Community Church believes all people matter. They pursue excellence at every level and cultivate an environment that makes everyone feel at home regardless of their stages or seasons in life. The non-denominational, multicultural church is led by a founding pastor who is an author on race relations. The church is very much aware of cultural diversity and ensures that its leadership and membership is diverse. With over 2000 people attending each week, Bridgeway uses creative and  practical ways to teach and reach people. Their mission is to build into one another as they build bridges in the community. Their vision is to be a multicultural army moving forward in unity and love to reach their community, culture and world. Their values include: building into one another, reconciliation (spiritually, racially and relationally), instruction, personal and spiritual growth, service and stewardship.