

Heidi Coffman 
Amarillo Strength & Conditioning 
806 367-7282 


March 13, 2010 at 09:30 AM 
March 13, 2010 at 01:00 PM 

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CrossFit Amarillo/Amarillo S&C 
6500 Canyon Dr
Amarillo, TX 79109

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Amarillo Strength and Conditioning Presents

The First Annual Iron Shillelagh Total:

Gravity Trumps Luck

  • Open to current and former CrossFit Amarillo and Amarillo Strength and Conditioning Athletes.
  • Supportive equipment permitted: Belt, shoes, wrist wraps
  • All lifters are grouped depending on their bodyweight into fixed weight classes.
  • Weigh-ins 9:30AM
  • Lifting begins 10AM
  • Warm-up area provided
  • There are three lifts: Squat, Bench and Deadlift. For each lift, you are allowed three attempts. One attempt must be passed in each lift by the referees. The total is the sum of your best lifts, and the winner is the one who totals the most in the weight class.


Rules for Lifts:

Squat: The lifter positions the bar on their back and takes it out of the rack. They then wait with legs locked out for the referee to say ‘squat’. The lifter bends the knees and lowers into the 'squat' position; the top of the leg at the hip must be below the top of the knee to ensure full depth. From this position the lifter then drives with the legs in order to return to the standing position. The whole lift must be completed in one motion. Once completed, the lifter must wait still and the ref will call ‘rack’, and the bar can be returned to the rack.

Bench Press: The lifter lies on their back on a bench, holding the bar at arms length. The referee will shout ‘bench’. The bar is then lowered to the chest, where it will touch before being pressed back to arms length in a single even motion. Feet must be flat on the floor and rear on the bench for the whole lift.

Deadlift: The bar is on the floor in front of the lifter. The aim is to grip the bar stand up with it; knees and shoulders must be locked out. The referee will then call ‘down’ and the bar can be lowered (safely) to the ground.


Weight classes/Awards are as follows:

Lightweight Women: 145lbs and under

Heavyweight Women 146lbs and over

Lightweight Men: 185lbs and under

Heavyweight Men: 186lbs and over


1st and 2nd Place Male and Female Light Class Lifters

1st and 2nd Place Male and Female Heavy Class Lifters

Overall Male and Overall Female*


*Winners will be based on the Wilks Formula Value per USA Powerlifting Standards