2012 Gathering logo


Sarah Glenfield 
Eastcoast Quilters Alliance 3, LLC 


Tuesday October 30, 2012 at 10:00 AM EDT
Monday November 5, 2012 at 3:00 PM EST

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Radisson Hotel - Manchester, New Hampshire 
700 Elm Street
Manchester, NH 03101

Driving Directions 

A Quilters' Gathering Quilt Stitch Volunteer Form 




A Quilt can’t be put together without stitches and A Quilters’ Gathering™ can’t be put together without you.  We need your help in so many ways and we very much appreciate the way so many of you have responded year after year.   To show how much we value your time, talent and energy, we have a marvelous QUILT STITCH MUG, with its own Logo, which will be given to anyone volunteering two hours any time during the conference.  Collect a Set!  For every two hours you give, you get a mug!  Please indicate below, when and in what way you want to help.

HANGING – Wednesday, October 31st.  Hanging will start at 10:00am and continue until we’ve finished !!  We are even planning to hang after the Banquet if necessary (and it usually is.) Come as soon as you can, stay as long as you can - stop when you drop …….

The hanging process is simple. As soon as the judge “lets a quilt go”  it is ready to hang. This job has its ups and downs – up and down ladders that is ( not very tall ones ) and you should be comfortable with climbing.

 JUDGE’S SCRIBE – Tuesday, October 30th & Wednesday, October 31st.   Judging starts at 10:00am. Scribes will assist by note taking, handling the quilts, etc. A great chance to eavesdrop on the process. We will need scribes until 4 - 5pm. Come for an hour, two, three – whatever time you can give us. (If you can come Tuesday evening that would be great as sometimes we are able to start the process sooner.)

 AFTER THE BALL – We will need a crew after the Banquet to Quickly hang the quilts that remain and to “waltz the racks” across the ballroom. A task that’s meant for those who don’t want the party to end. Come and have some late night fun !!

 TAKE DOWN – Sunday, November 4th. Starting about 3:15pm. Take down usually takes about two hours.

 TEACHER ASSISTANT - Take attendance, Hand out materials / collect any fees (if necessary), Assist teacher as needed, Pass out & collect evaluation sheets at end of class.   Teacher Assistants are asked to check in at the Registration Desk ½ hour before class starts to pick up class list and evaluation forms. These should be returned to the Registration Desk at the end of class…..and don’t forget to pick up your specially designed A Quilters’ Gathering™ 2012 coffee (or tea) mug.


Please check in at the Conference Registration Desk 5-10 minutes before the start of your assignment…..and be sure, after the completion of your assignment to pick up your specially designed A Quilters’ Gathering™ 2012 COFFEE MUG…