The Community Speaker Series

 presented by Hinsdale Township High School District 86

 Informing and inspiring families in the K-12 community about issues in education, child development, wellness, and  parenting


Program Schedule


Thursday May 1, 2014

The Community House




Meg Cooper 
District 181 Foundation 

The Community Speaker Series is supported by:


HCHS PTO logo   The Community House Logo



Hooked Up:  Your Child and Technology - It's not all bad!

Jack Myers

The pervasiveness of the media and technology has resulted in an environment unlike any other for children to grow up in. As parents, we struggle to under stand the impact of technology and its many manifestations on our children’s lives.

Jack Myers presents an optimistic look at the first generation of children to be raised not just with computers, but also the internet, texting and social media as they come of age in an era of political, economic and social uncertainty.  


Be prepared to gain a better understanding of your child’s world and even change your mindset about technology as Myers, author of Hooked Up and chairman of the Media Advisory Group, presents his insights about how our children's generation will contribute and flourish in new and exciting ways.