
Thursday, May 21, 2020 @ 8 45 am to 12:15 pm
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Meeting ID: 166 810 318
Password: 045139



Dr. Patricia Ann Davenport 
Our House, Inc. 

662-336-1129 Business line


Ethics when Working with Domestic Violence Victims 

Topic:  Ethics when working with victims of domestic violence 

Objective 1: To Discuss Domestic Violence, Recognizing when you see it and when you hear as well as the “Why and Who” of Domestic Violence

Break - Participants will be placed in the waiting room for 15 minutes

Objective 2: To review ethic policies as related to conflict of interest actions and

Objective 3: To discuss the dangers of breaking confidentiality  

Content: This distance education training, through demonstration, will address common ethical dilemmas regarding social workers and victims of domestic violence.  It will also include a segment that will offer social workers direction when working with families experiencing domestic violence. Working with community agencies who offer programs for victims of domestic violence to increase the victims’ safety, will also be included in the training.

At the end of this training, participants will be able to better recognize domestic violence when they see it and hear it; they will engage in role plays addressing best practices when navigating ethical dilemmas. Participants will also gain a clearer understanding of their responsibility to keep client information confidential as related to victims of domestic violence as well as the importance of informed consent.