
Wednesday, November 9, 2022 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM EST
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Luana Figueiredo, RDH 

HCDHA 2 CE Course: "Popular Diet “Trends” and the Skinny on Dental Health" 


Speaker:  Ellen Karlin MMSc, RDN, LDN, FADA

Ellen Karlin is a nutrition consultant with vast personal and professional knowledge in nutrition, food allergy and dental health. She was a nutrition consultant to dental healthcare professionals in Owings Mills, Maryland and a nutrition consultant at the Comprehensive Asthma and Allergy Center for over 30 years. Ellen holds a Master of Medical Science degree in nutrition education from Emory University. She became a fellow of the American Dietetic Association in 1999. Ellen is a spokesperson for the American Dairy Association North East and a nationally recognized speaker. She has delivered numerous webinars and is a nationally invited speaker at healthcare, dental and dental hygiene conferences. She was the co-author of “Dental and Oral Considerations in Pediatric Celiac Disease” published in J Dent Child, May 2016. Ellen has contributed to a variety of other resources, including “Trendy Diets and Oral Health” published in Access Journal, December, 2019.

Abstract: Fad diets are growing and becoming serious public health concerns, requiring significantly increased attention from dental healthcare professionals. When your patients follow fad diet trends, they may be implementing eating patterns that could have dangerous results with regard to their dentition. As dentists, you are witnessing first -hand the negative results of fad dieting. Learn the irrefutable scientific evidence surrounding the impact of fad diets on the oral cavity and its impact on dental treatment outcomes. Understand the Low FODMAP, Mediterranean, Gluten-free, Dairy-free, Intermittent fasting, Vegan and Vegetarian diets and how they affect the dental health of your patients. This course tackles these diet trends your patients are following, arming you with what you need to know as a dental health care professional

  • Navigate the plethora of information on fad dieting trends
  • Explain the negative impact fad diets may have on oral and systemic health
  • Learn how to recognize, address and prevent patients from following fad diets that are harmful to their overall and oral health
  • Formulate and offer healthful weight control suggestions to dental patients