
Tami Norris, OCHEA President 
Ohio Continuing Higher Education Association 


Membership Year July, 2011 - June, 2012

Membership Levels

Institutional Member ($150)  The institutional member is the designated representative of the accredited non-profit, degree-granting Ohio institutions of higher education engaged in continuing education. Institutional membership includes the institutional representative and 3 associate members.

Associate: ($35) Additional representatives from institutions who already hold a membership. Representatives must be continuing education professionals or graduate students in Adult/Higher Education.

Individual: ($55) Individual membership is for continuing education professionals or graduate students in Adult/Higher Education who want to belong to OCHEA but don’t have an institutional membership.

Affiliate: ($50) Professionals from non-profit or public agencies, departments, associations, and organizations with an interest or current activities in continuing higher education.



Invitation to Join OCHEA

2011-12 Membership Year

This year more than ever is a challenging time in Ohio.  Join fellow continuing education professionals for development opportunities, state updates, and networking.  This year your membership will pay off immediately. 

As a member of OCHEA you will receive substantial savings for two currently scheduled events.  If you attend both, the membership will pay for itself. 

We encourage you to join us and others in the profession. 


2011 Professional Development Day, Friday October 7th

In cooperation with LERN

 Best Practices in eMarketing for Continuing Education, Suzanne Kart

Luncheon Keynote:  Ohio Board of Regents Update, Brett Vissar


2012  OCHEA Annual Conference

March 7, 2012:  Pre-Conference

March 8-9, 2012 Annual Conference