
Ann Cashen
FLAG Membership Chair

Please note: ALL our communication is via email.  School district SPAM filters often "bounce" our communication.  To ensure this does not happen, consider using an alternate address and/or add (for monthly newsletters) and (for annual election ballots) to your approved email list.



Gifted students in Florida depend on your advocacy and support.  Our organization:

  • Provides newsletters that are always filled with interesting and up-to-date articles.
  • Acts as a clearinghouse for information dealing with the educational issues facing gifted students and creates a greater awareness of statewide issues affecting the gifted.
  • Supports year-round advocacy efforts to protect the interests of gifted students, provides support for regional activities and events, formulates and/or supports policy related to issues of funding, endorsement, and regulations concerning gifted education, and promotes the development of innovative programs at the school level. 
  • Explores and disseminates written information concerning the identification and services provided to gifted students from special populations and shares on-going efforts and district progress made in serving these special groups.
  •  Provides leadership and fosters advances in the education of gifted students by being responsive to the needs of the FLAG membership.
  • Coordinates an exciting and informative annual conference featuring nationally recognized consultants in the field.  In addition, field practitioners (teachers of the gifted) are provided with a forum to share promising programs and practices that they have developed.
  • Offers mini-grants to teachers.
  • Awards scholarships to gifted students.
  •  Recognizes creative teachers with the Excellence in Creative Teaching Award.