
This is an online event. 



Joanna Conde 
Arizona Association of Real Estate Appraisers 
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Arizona Association of Real Estate Appraisers

Invoice 2020 

Membership Dues - $25 before January 31, 2020, $35 February 1st

Opportunity to Donate - AAREA is a 501(c)(3)

Please click "Register Now" to maintain your membership.

These dues will help pay for:

  • AAREA Newsletters
  • Representation at AQB and ASB Meetings
  • Surveys
  • AAREA Web Page

AAREA provides free to members:  Peer Review Committee;  OfficeMax/Office Depot Discount Cards;  Lobbying efforts if needed at the Arizona Legislature.

The AAREA Board determined that a membership fee of $25 would be appropriate, fair and sufficient to pay for the basic costs of maintaining the Association and the services provided to its members. Fees are due on January 1st and late on February 1, 2020.