
Wednesday, September 19th

Estimating Marktet Value - 8:30 - 11:30

Complaints - 12:30 - 4:30

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Scottsdale Villa Mirage
7887 E Princess Blvd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

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Joanna Conde 
Arizona Appraisal Seminars & Classes 


 2 Classes - 7 Hours CE - Fairly Painless.  3 Hrs - How to Estimate the Value of a Residential Property; 4 Hours - Complaints - Prevention & Process in Arizona.  These are newer classes that have been well received by the students who have taken them.  


Use the Code You Received When You Subscribed to our blog at  www.USPAPinRealLifeAppraising for a 10% Discount

How to Estimate the Value

of a  Residential Property!

DFI # 0618-1705 - 3 Hrs CE - Morning 8:30-11:30 - $30

Finally a short class that goes through the 6 methods of determining an adjustment, supporting adjustments in your reports, & documenting your analyses in your workfiles.


Complaints:  Prevention & Process in Arizona

REA #0117-1527 - 4 Hrs CE - Afternoon 12:30 - 4:30 - $40

Things have changed since there is no longer a Board of Appraisal.  Learn how complaints are handled and what to do to prevent one from being filed against you.