
Interact for Health 
3805 Edwards Road #500
Cincinnati, OH 45209

Driving Directions 


Sarah Buckley 
Impact 100 
(513) 554-3065 

New United Way Site!

United Way has launched a new website,  BoardBankCincy.org to provide a seamless, one-stop-shop platform for local leaders and nonprofit organizations to find and fill board positions. Check it out!New United Way Site!

Interested in applying for a $100,000 Impact 100 grant?

Thank you to all who have attended one of our previous workshops. There is still time to learn about our grant process for the 2018 grant cycle. This grant is an opportunity to propose a transformational funding request that will benefit the regional tri-state area.

Impact 100 Nonprofit Panel
(hear from prior Impact 100 recipients!)
Wednesday, November 1, 2017 @ 9:30-11:00 AM 
Learn about the Impact 100 grant application process straight from the horses mouth- previous applicants, finalists and recipients!  We invite you to attend our question and answer style meeting where you can interact with your nonprofit peers who have gone before you.  You can hear about what worked for them, what didn't, and learn from an insider what our grant process really looks like. 

Impact 100 Applicant Workshop #3
Monday, November 6, 2017 @ 3:30- 5:00 PM 

During this training session, nonprofits will be learning about the 2018 grant application process, beginning with the Letter of Intent. We provide training materials on applying, educate about our calendar, and answer questions.  Impact 100 is excited to hear from your organization!


3805 Edwards Road, #500
Cincinnati, Ohio 45209
Choice Care Room

Register now above using the appropriate link(s). Attendance is first-come, first-served with 65 available seats for each session.  Attendance at an Applicant Workshop is NOT required to submit a Letter of Intent and workshops 1, 2 (both completed) and 3 are the same information.

The Letter of Intent is now live via our online system at www.impact100.org.   If you are seeking additional information or would like clarification beyond the "Get a Grantsection of our website, please email Sarah at outreach@impact100.org with any questions.