

Leah Lund 
One Whole Health 


Wednesday January 3, 2013 at 6:00 PM MST
Wednesday January 31, 2013 at 6:00 PM MST

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The Comfort Of Your Own Home!                All Virtual Program 


Sweet & Sour Cleanse Club

Woman Eating A Cleanse That Doesn't Feel Like A Cleanse?

What Is A Cleanse Club?

This is a supervised, group cleanse.....that means you will be supported by a Health Coach and a community of friends who are cleansing at the same time.  Translation...you will have:

  • Confidence that you are cleansing safely
  • Kindred spirits to connect with, vent to and learn from
  • A sense of being "OK" with whatever the cleanse might bring for you-no rules

Why Is It Sweet?

You will EAT foods that help you look younger, diminish cravings, spiral your energy upwards and lose those last few stubborn pounds while crowding out some so-called sweets that sour your moods!

Why Is It Sour?

You will THINK thoughts that help you own your power, be joyful, rise above your emotions and attract what you want for your life while crowding out sour thoughts of limitation and spinning your wheels!

What's In It For You?

  • Three teleseminars to learn why and how to cleanse safely and what to expect
  • Daily on-line journal assignments to bring clarity to your thoughts, patterns and conscious choices and develop self-accountabiltiy
  • Personal assessment to determine if your brain chemistry has you addicted to certain foods (if so, you will be invited to a private strategy session and given the option to apply your cleanse investment to a more in depth program)
  • Four weekly 15 minute audio lessons to keep you on track
  • Handouts and articles on cleansing, detoxifying whole foods and self care tips

How Can You Fit It Into Your Busy Schedule?

You will never feel like it is the right time to cleanse but it is the right time because this cleanse goes where you go.  All resources and teleseminars are completely virtual and can be downloaded as MP3's to play again or catch up on any that you miss. 

Tele-Seminar Schedule:

  • Jan 03, 2013   6:00 PM MST
  • Jan 10, 2013   6:00 PM MST
  • Jan 31, 2013   6:00 PM MST

Your daily on-line journal assignments are released every morning and you can complete them ANYTIME during the day-even from your smart phone.  You will be able to read all cleanse club member's journals and connect/respond with any that you choose.  And they will do the same for you. 

The official cleanse weeks begin on Jan 7 and runs for 21 days.  That means you have plenty of time from our Jan 2 kick-off until GO time to get organized, doing any shopping you like and mentally prepare!  No special foods or supplements are required during this cleanse.

Your weekly audio lessons release every Sunday in time for you to develop a Sunday Ritual for putting yourself first!

Why Does This Cleanse Feel Different?Nutrient Dense Foods

Although you may experience detox symptoms (headaches, low energy, skin break outs, irritability) in the first few days of the cleanse, you will not feel hungry, deprived or as if it is all or nothing.  You will eat solid foods minus sugar, white flour, caffiene, alcohol, dairy* and soy*.  There will be recipe and menu ordering ideas geared toward eating plenty and eating foods that fulfill you while crowding out the empty calories.  There is no special juicing equipment or supplements required.  This detox is done with ordinary foods that you can find in your grocery store or health food store.

There is great emphasis on cleansing thought patterns that don't serve you.  You won't feel like a failure if you slip up one day.  You will practice the 90 Second Rule-of giving negative/resistant thoughts no more than 90 seconds to dwell in your mind before you focus on WHAT IS WORKING. This habit will stay with you and run over into all areas of your life.

Individual guidance concerning modification of the cleanse to achieve the results you are looking for.

You will learn the #1 mistake that most people make on a cleanse and by the end of 30 days you are likely to experience:

  • Increased Energy 
  • Sustainable New Habits 
  • Less Cravings 
  • Improved Mood 
  • Better Sleep
  • Clearer Skin
  • Drop In Weight
Most of all-you have an expert to consult with every step of the way-just to be sure-everything you experience is normal and safe.  If you have thought about doing a cleanse, but have been intimidated...this is the perfect, safe environment for your experimentation.


What Do Past Cleanse Club Members Have To Say?

"I like feeling thinner. I like how my clothes are fitting better. I like my skin feeling softer.
I like that I am not getting acid reflux. I like not feeling bloated or constipated.
I like that I am not getting stomach aches. I like that I have lost 12 pounds in the last 2 months. I don't know how much of that has been since the cleanse, but I like it, period.
I love that my blood pressure has PLUMMETED. 114 over 60! I like feeling less pushed around - less bullied by food. I like looking in my closet and finally being able to think "I don't like that shirt no matter how thin or fat I am, I think I will get rid of that shirt." That may seem like nothing, but it is a huge mental step for me. I like that my sweat doesn't stink as bad - if I forget deodorant it's not the same disaster it usually is. I like that I have two pair of perfectly functional arms and legs and two pair of perfectly functional hands and feet.
I am not yet thrilled with my size, but I like my shape. I have a great hourglass shape.
I like that my body is a vehicle to get me to all the places I want to go. I like that my body provides a way to show love and affection - (hugs, kisses, sexuality)
I like that my body has healing powers built right in.

The cleanse has shown me a path. It's the path I have known was under my feet all along but somehow could not choose to travel. Now my feet are moving and I get the feeling I won't be turning back."
~Judi, WY-Rangeland Manager & Mom

"Yes, the last day of the cleanse and today I had a salad at a fast food place and ordered lemon, all they had was packets........wow, what a mistake, I can sure feel this in my body. I am sure there was a preservative on the chicken as well. I cannot believe that it has affected me so hugely! Next time I will skip the meal and wait until I get home. My swollen fingers as I type remind me that it is just not worth the way I feel.

10 things I felt while cleansing: 1. Clean internally 2. Committed 3. Alert 4. Focused  5. Calm 6. Rested  7. Rational  8. Accomplished  9. Nurtured  10. Self love"
~Crystal, WA-You U University Coach

"When I started this I wanted to stop eating so much sugar and see how it affected me. What I anticipated was primarily a diet thing of more consistent and even energy and a better GI. What I actually got shook me to my core. Connecting my eating to my vision of how I see myself, the weight loss and other physical effects were great but minimal to the personal growth that came with the cleanse. I fundamentally am seeing myself differently. I forgive myself my faults, have a much bigger and freer vision for my life and who I am and what I am capable of. I would and have recommended the program to a number of my friends."
~Pete,CO-Business Owner, Alpin Recue Volunteer, Founder of The Bakken Club & Dad

"This cleanse has been so good for my sugar cravings. I have felt in-control of my eating and choices. I haven't heard myself say, "I need chocolate," or "I need something sweet," in quite some time. Yes, I want to stay focused and make this a habit. As such, I do need to remember how good I feel -- no sugar stomachaches or sugar let-downs; lots of energy and satisfaction. I'll write myself a reminder and put it in a visible place. Maybe I'll keep journaling to myself. I'll keep feeling the benefits -- energy, loose pants, general well-being. feel like I am acting much more deliberately these day in terms of many of my choices--how I react, how I communicate, how I appreciate and how I treat my body. It's been a positive experience in many ways."
~Barb, NV-Educator & Mom


Register Now!

Program Investment $85
Register On Or Before Dec. 28 $60
Bring A Buddy $45 For Each