
Beth Jordan 
Seminary of the Southwest 


Monday June 4, 2012 at 1:00 PM CDT
Friday June 8, 2012 at 1:00 PM CDT

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Seminary of the Southwest 
501 E. 32nd Street
Austin, TX 78705

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Why do the prophets deliver their message in verse?  How can one enter the web of image and metaphor so that we can speak a word from God?  The poetry of the Old Testament is a rich resource for preaching and teaching.  It invites us into an imaginative and creative world where God’s word inspires and recreates us, as well as those we serve.  This study will focus on the Psalms and the Prophets, exploring their language and imagery to fire our imaginations for bringing good news.

Twenty contact hours are given for CEUs.

$675 fee includes tuition, breakfast, lunch and single occupancy room

Reduced fee for Southwest Alumni

Commuter rate is available


Dr.Steven Bishop will lead the workshop. His academic interests include the poetry of the Hebrew Bible and literary translations of it into English, and the influence of Hellenistic thought on Hebrew wisdom literature. Dr. Bishop assisted the well known Old Testament scholar Bernhard Anderson in editing and revising two books: Out of the Depths: The Psalms Speak for us Today and Contours of Old Testament Theology.Dr. Bishop worked again with Anderson as an editor and contributor for the fifth edition of Understanding the Old Testament which was published in 2006.