Trauma-informed Yoga for the Child Welfare Professional 

This class will utilize research-based, trauma-informed yoga and mindfulness practices to address signs of secondary traumatic stress or nervous system dysregulation caused by stress or burnout. This class is taught by Sarah Crisafi, a child welfare professional, who found yoga as a way to understand and relieve her stress response. The first hour will be geared around learning, and the last hour is putting learning into practice (experiential learning through yoga). You'll also receive tools to take off the mat and into your work. No yoga experience necessary. All yoga and postures are optional, as there is a focus for self-care, and taking care of one's own body. This event is part of September's Child Welfare Workforce Development Month. We hope you'll join us to experience the extraordinary benefits of trauma-informed yoga!

There are four options to choose from:

September 17 from 11 am to 1 pm ET (Floor Yoga with Chair Modifications)
September 20 from 11 am to 1 pm ET (Chair Yoga)
September 22 from  2 pm to 4 pm ET (Floor Yoga with Chair Modifications)
September 30 from 1 pm to 3 pm ET (Chair Yoga)

Visit our Workforce Development Month web page to learn more about the instructor and our other events!