How great would it be to walk into the Bar Exam              with a new found Confidence and a Competitve Edge?


Let's face it, the California Bar Exam is scary, or at the very least, stressful. If you could lessen any fears you might have and gain a better sense of control you would do it, right? The Bar Exam Guru has your solution!

 Essay Predictions & Selected Essays

Typically the Bar Exam Guru's essay predictions are only made available to her enrollled students. But, for a very limited period of time, you can order the predictions and accompanying selected essays and receive these via email. The odds are that you will, like our past students, see an essay (or multiple essays) on the exam that are similar to what we sent out. This is because the bar examiners repeat exam fact patterns over and over again. Click the "Purchase Now" button at the top of this page.


Purchase the Bar Exam Guru's Predictions and Sample Essays & Answers to give you an edge in the final days leading up to the California bar exam!


Lisa Duncanson

Bar Exam Guru
