Alexander's Geothermal Energy workshop



 November 12th, 2.00 pm- 3.00pm




Kumutha Vejeyan 
Ikon Science Malaysia Sdn Bhd 

Ikon Science has the solutions for your
Geothermal operations

Geothermal energy is an attractive alternative for any energy portfolio. Many countries have the right conditions that could lead to geothermal power development. However, the high temperatures, high salinities and high gas content present some significant operational challenges. To overcome some of these challenges many companies have begun exploring the potential for cross-over technology and cross-over experience between the petroleum and geothermal industries.

 Future growth in geothermal industry seems to be pushing into deeper, hotter rocks that will need increasingly complex wells which could become even more challenging than oil and gas wells due to the extremely high temperatures. These more complex wells leads to increased risk of blowouts and potentially lethal risks with high pressure water or steam, which is compounded if H2s is involved.

At Ikon Science, we have developed technology to optimize drilling and completions operations. Ikon Science applies proven workflows to accurately predict formation properties, overpressure, and well stability risk based on best practice well design.

Alexander Edwards, PhD – Global Portfolio Manager – Wells,will present some global case studies showcasing how Ikon’s technology can add-value to the geothermal industries particularly focusing on some of the specific challenges dealing with complex well design, hard-rock formations, variable reservoir pressures, lost circulations, fractures and play-based risking.