

The Gabriel Project


Gabriel Project at St. Vincent de Paul Church provides assistance to pregnant women in need. Volunteers offer support in the way of prayer, spiritual guidance and advice. We also provide the women with items to help them care for their newborns. This ministry is possible due to the generosity and continued support of our Parish community, especially St. Anne's Society. 

How To Help

Gabriel Project Donations

Supporting Gabriel Project with wish list items it easy. Visit our Amazon list, or check out our Donation List/Guidelines.

 Become a Gabriel Angel

As an Angel, you will support our mothers through phone calls, texts and prayers. Near the end of her pregnancy, you will meet her at SVdP and present her with the baby items that we have collected for her. No experience is required; what is most important is that you are a caring and reliable person. The time commitment is manageable and flexible. Email to learn more about becoming an Angel.