QRIS Measurement Tools Courses

Program Administration Scale (PAS)

Scheduled PAS Trainings in your Region

Region 1: 

Region 2:

Region 3:

Region 5:

Region 6: 

Additonal Information:

Cost: $15.00 per educators which includes the specific measurment tool for this training.

Audience: Center-Base Directors/Adminstrators

QRIS Standard:  Standard 3 -Workforce Qualifications and Professional Development

Core Competency:  Area 7 - Program Planning and Development

CEU: 0.5 which is equivalent to 5 EEC training hours



Nicole Miles
QRIS Measurement Tools Courses

Lead Agency:


Sponsored in part by the

Department of Early Education and Care


Using the Program Adminstration Scale for Program Assessment and Improvement: PAS

The Program Administration Scale is a tool for Center and School Based Program Administrators to assess the program's administrative practices. In this training, participants will review the elements of the Program Administration Scale, practice completing the assessment including scoring, and explore strategies for program improvements. This will help educators use the tool to increase responsive interactions with children and improve the overall program environment.


Course Description:

The quality of early education and care programs is determined by the educator’s interactions with children and the quality of the learning environment. The Program Administration Scale (PAS) is a reliable instrument which measures the quality of leadership and management practices in center-based early education and care programs. In this training, educators will learn about the elements of program quality, how to evaluate their program using the PAS, and using this information to inform program improvements.