

Berkley Child and Family Development Center 
1012 East 52nd Street
Kansas City, MO 64112

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Kristen Reese- Office Support Assistant 
UMKC School of Education: Continuing and Professional Education 
UMKC School of Education Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) is proud to team-up with UMKC Berkley Child and Family Development Center to offer its new 2015-2016 continuing education series in Early Childhood.
A Place for Children: Early Childhood Learning in the Great Outdoors
05/12/16 The natural world was once a young child’s primary play area, and in the great outdoors, children thrived. Their muscles grew strong from the natural challenges posed by roots, limbs, rocks, grass, and hills. Their senses were fine-tuned by the constant variations of plant essences, wind, sun, water, and the touch of a million different natural elements. [read more]
6:30 pm -8:30 pm
Becky West
Avoiding a Power Struggle with Toddlers - Using Statements v.s. Questions
06/16/16 How do you get around the good old "No!" statement from a child? Do you find yourself trapped in power struggles in your classroom? Do you find that you have a difficult time following through with transitions and daily routines? it could be the way you're posing the question. We're going to work on positive language techniques instead of questioning children, learn how to give clear statements that encourage autonomy, and provide choices when appropriate. [read more]
6:30 pm -8:30 pm

Allyssa Morrow  Jessica Newman

Loosening Our Grip: Embracing a culture of “Why Not?” to find teachable moments so infants and toddlers can flourish
7/7/16 In observations, we've noticed a trend of teachers hurrying children to accomplish adult aims. For example, children are rushed through putting their coats on and past interesting people and materials, only to be made to sit down for a song before heading outdoors. This course will encourage infant-toddler professionals to think about routine moments from the child's perspective: Are the teacher's aims providing the richest possible learning experiences? When we presenters began to implement such changes, we came to have more delightful, easygoing times with the children. [read more]
6:30 pm -8:30 pm
Kathleen Cross