Be a Riding Beyond CIRCLE BUILDER

Help us enlist your hair stylist to saddle up in support of Riding Beyond with a raffle this fall.


Wednesday June 1, 2016
Thursday June 30, 2016

OR at your next hair stylist visit.


Carolyn Jost
Green Horse
(541) 205-8778

Circle Builders: Salons for Survivors 

We have a small request to make that can have big benefits in securing Riding Beyond’s future. It’s a surprisingly small time commitment.  It simply requires a willingness on your part to make a personal contact with your own hair stylist to request their participation in a raffle for Riding Beyond during October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Here’s how you can help by becoming a Circle Builder for Riding Beyond:

•  SHARE the PDF Salons for Survivors Information, below, with your hair stylist in the coming few weeks. (Let us know if you are not able to print it out in color.)

PDF Salons for Survivors Information

•  EXPLAIN the details of how they can participate by supporting breast cancer survivors with a basket of goods to be raffled off to their customers during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

•  ASK them for their participation in our campaign.

•  WHEN THEY SAY YES, let us know and we will take it from there. (Let us also know if they say no.)

Now is the time for us to put this in place, so please commit to making this outreach during the month of June - or at your next hair stylist visit.

This small act of service to support Riding Beyond’s benefits to so many will have a huge impact on the funds that Riding Beyond needs in order to continue its work. Plus it will boost community awareness of our benefits to breast cancer survivors. 

You want to help!  We want to make it easy!

Please reply to this email by clicking the YES button below and signing up to help Riding Beyond by promoting Salons for Survivors to your hair stylist.

That’s it! 

Thanks for all you’ve already done and continue to do,

Susan Bennett
Trish Broersma
Carolyn Jost

Rosa Lee Maple

PS: If you belong to an organization that you’d be willing to approach to also be Circle Builders, we would greatly appreciate it! We are happy to make a short, inspiring presentation about Riding Beyond, if helpful.