FALL Vol Header_Photo by Amy Breedon


Saturday, September 30, 2017 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM EDT
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Volunteer Management Office 
Cuyahoga Valley National Park 

National Public Lands Day - Native Tree Planting - Volunteer Day of Service September 30, 2017 

We need your help on National Public Lands Day to help restore native hardwood forests to CVNP. The project site was formerly a mining site, which left the site dry and desolate with no natural reforestation. The area has been struggling to repopulate native plants and animals that once roamed the land before mining.

By planting trees, you are restoring the natural habitat of your national park and benefitting both the environment and your community. Native plants and animals will be able to return to the forest they once called home, benefitting the park's natural ecosystem. You will be digging holes using shovels and dibblers and then placing the trees into the ground.

Native Tree Planting rates as a moderate to strenuous physical activity and requires the ability to hike 2 miles over uneven terrain. 

Volunteers who are 7-15 years of age must have parent or guardian supervision at the project site. Volunteers who are 16-18 years of age are only required to have a parent or guardian sign their Volunteer Agreement form


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