
Bountiful Brookline 2012 Membership 

 Join our grassroots initiative to inspire, educate and explore new ways to grow more food by and for the Brookline community.
• Promote food production at homes, schools yards and neighborhood community gardens
• Facilitate partnerships with town agencies & institutions for local food access and gardening
• Educate about innovative and sustainable methods for urban agriculture and food production

Your membership directly funds Bountiful Brookline's work in the community;
• Bountiful Brookline's Urban Farmer/ Garden Educator
• Growing organic produce to serve the Brookline Food Pantry and for sale in the community
• Urban agriculture workshops and events
• Community events and programs to bring together new and seasoned local food enthusiasts
• Website, newsletter & social media covering food issues, gardening & healthy eating

Benefits include:
• Member discounts at these local merchants
         Allandale Farm
         Brookline Booksmith
         Cleveland Circle Hardware
         Connelly Hardware
         Economy Hardware
Free and discounted entry to Bountiful Brookline fundraisers & seasonal events 
         Garden Chats (beginning Spring 2012)
         Annual Dirt Ball
         Garden Parties
• 10% discount on Bountiful Brookline T-shirts

A volunteer based community initiative
please volunteer, contribute and become a member so Bountiful Brookline will continue to grow.

Thank you.