
Friday, March 23, 2018
7 to 10 PM PT
Saturday, March 24, 2018
10 AM to 6 PM PT

You must attend the Friday night intro/first session in order to attend the Saturday full-day; however, you do not have to commit to the Saturday session until after Friday night. You may sign up for both sessions or Saturday only on this page; or Friday only here.

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645 Tamalpais Drive
Suite A
Corte Madera, CA 94925

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The Dark and the Light:
The Drama of Your Life

with William Pennell Rock,
Master of Archetypal Psychodrama


Origins Performing


Yin Yang


We stand forever between the force of Light drawing us towards a higher evolution and the Dark, drawing us towards disintegration and death. These are the Dark and Light sides of the Force portrayed in Star Wars. But they are not a fiction: they are present moment-to-moment and we are always choosing between them.

Most of us survive in a reality created largely by the Dark Side, a shadow-infused masquerade that pervades our existence and makes a strange grappling of our lives and communications. Yet the Light always beckons and is there to show the way. The fundamental work of life is to become radically aware of this internal drama -- to learn to identify the Dark and to use our most fundamental powers to choose the Light -- in order to live optimally.

            In this one-evening (Friday, 3/23) and one-day workshop (Sat., 3/24), we will discover these forces within and how to choose between them.

            The Dark and The Light is a basic preparation for an upcoming three-and-a-half-day ORIGINS Workshop at Sunrise Center, date TBA.


About ORIGINS: Magic Theater

 “Be the star in your own movie!”
 And what is that movie?

For the most part we live in front of a curtain, a shadow-infused masquerade that pervades our existence and makes a strange grappling of our lives and communications. Through a process of Jungian-based archetypal psychodrama, ORIGINS helps you find your own personal myth. This myth takes you behind the curtain to meet and clarify the real forces that shape your life -- the evolutionary and the self-destructive parts of yourself -- and to engage them in a kind of diplomacy by which you can remain on top of your situation and move with confidence through life’s transformations. Understanding yourself and your own journey allows you to make better decisions by being true to yourself and your own needs. This is not A work of existence, but THE work.

The movie, this myth, is the essential adventure of your life.

ORIGINS is a body of work based on a Process of experiential learning developed over many years of research and therapeutic experience in workshops. It is a psychodrama method for generating and working with individual and group mythology to bring about psychological and spiritual well-being.

It is Magic Theater that shows you who you are and clarifies your divine nature.  Within each of us live the archetypes common to all of humanity.  By recognizing, embodying and realizing these archetypes within, we actualize and empower ourselves.

ORIGINS is a whole curriculum, a body of work tied together as a process of clarifying transformation and empowerment.  You benefit most from experiencing all of them, but this is not required.

ORIGINS uses the two universal story forms, the Hero’s Journey and the Romance Archetype, as frameworks to provide two basic Processes for dramatic Self-transforming. Each ORIGINS Workshop is based on one of the two monomyths. The Workshops orchestrate meditation, guided fantasy, expressive movement and psychodrama performance in a ritualized form to generate individual myths of the participants. We use these myths for analysis, self-awareness, and therapeutic development. In subsequent stages of ORIGINS, these myths are transformed into performing art forms. Inspired by ancient ritual, these productions have a healing or sacred function.

Click here to read testimonials from participants around the world.



Pennell Rock William Pennell Rock, M.Litt. (Cantab.), PhD, is an internationally known teacher of Transpersonal psychology, psychodrama and performance. He has been trained at Yale, Harvard, King's College, Cambridge in England, the Jung Institute in Zurich, Esalen Institute, Arica Institute, and was a long-time disciple of Osho.

He is director of ORIGINS, producing theater and opera performances throughout the world. and is the author of Performing Inside Out.  In the last years he has been working primarily in Germany and Italy, but he is now introducing his work in Marin, where he resides.

For more information see the ORIGINS website: www.sacredperformance.com.


Register Now!

$75 Sat., March 24

Friday night, March 23 (no charge) is required
to participate in the Saturday session.


Testimonials for ORIGINS Magic Theater

Testimonials from ORIGINS participants from around the world, click here.
Testimonials from ORIGINS participants at Sunrise Center, click here.

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             To see more Sunrise Center Events, please click here.