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Kristi Searle 

The maximum capacity for this web seminar is 100 participants. The event will be recorded and made available at


Hot Topics: The DuraSpace Community Webinar Series 

VIVO plus SHARE: Closing the Loop on Scholarly Activity

Curated by Rick Johnson, Program Co-Director, Digital Initiatives and Scholarship Head, Data Curation and Digital Library Solutions Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame; Visiting Program Officer for SHARE at the Association of Research Libraries

As scholarship continues to become more collaborative and virtual, scholarly impact can no longer be tracked through publications alone.  Scholars are participating in conference panels, mentoring future colleagues, publishing data sets, and participating in scholarly forums.

 In order to gauge true scholarly impact, efforts to capture this scholarly activity have been driven both at the community and institutional level.  SHARE is a higher education initiative whose mission is to maximize research impact by making a comprehensive inventory of research widely accessible, discoverable, and reusable. To fulfill this mission SHARE is building a free, open data set about research and scholarly activities and artifacts produced throughout the life of a research project and a researcher.  VIVO is an open source semantic web application originally developed and implemented at Cornell and stewarded by DuraSpace. When installed and populated with researcher interests, activities, and accomplishments, it enables the discovery of research and scholarship across disciplines at that institution and beyond.

 VIVO captures information only available at the local level, and SHARE harvests activity from almost 100 community sources, not just repository data.  This series will explore how the effort to link VIVO and SHARE together will bring us closer to a wider picture of today’s scholarship.

This series consists of 3, 1-hour webinars:

 Webinar 1:

VIVO plus SHARE: Closing the Loop on Tracking Scholarly Activity

February 24, 2016 at 1:00p.m.EST

In order to gauge true scholarly impact, efforts to capture scholarly activity have been driven both at the community and institutional level.  VIVO captures information only available at the local level, and SHARE harvests activity from almost 100 community sources, not just repository data.  Presenters will provide an introduction to the efforts to link VIVO and SHARE together to capture a wider picture of scholarship.  They will briefly delve into the histories of each project, explore the complementary goals of VIVO’s information capture at the institutional level and SHARE’s community-level harvesting, and provide an overview of the collaboration to date.

 Webinar 2:

Institutional Perspectives on the Impact of SHARE and VIVO Together

March 11, 2016, at 1:00p.m.EST

 As scholarship continues to become more collaborative and virtual, institutions are seeking new ways to gauge true scholarly impact.  They are looking to tools like VIVO to capture information at the local level, and systems like SHARE that harvest scholarly events from community sources.  Andi Ogier will present perspectives on how the SHARE and VIVO collaboration impacts and enhances their own efforts at Virginia Tech to capture and track scholarly activity.

 Webinar 3:

How to Get Started Tracking Scholarly Activity with VIVO and SHARE

March 21, 2016, at 12:00p.m.EDT

As scholarship continues to be more community driven and collaborative, institutions need new ways to capture a wider picture of scholarly activity.  A wide variety of technologies have presented themselves both at institution and community levels.  Two such technologies are VIVO and SHARE.  VIVO is focused on institutional-level information capture, and SHARE harvests scholarly events from almost 100 data providers.  Presenters will provide a technical overview of the efforts to date for SHARE to harvest data from VIVO, VIVO to push data to SHARE, and how to get started with these utilities at your own institution.