
Warwick Released Time Program


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Warwick Released Time 2024-2025 Registration

The Warwick Released Time (WRT) Program administers a standard, non-denominational curriculum that emphasizes the beliefs that Christians commonly share. Our two year program teaches 3rd graders the faith of the people in the Bible's Old Testament and 4th graders learn about the life and teachings of Jesus from the Bible's New Testament. A Bible is given to each student to use through 3rd and 4th grade and gifted  upon completion of their 4th grade class. Students are released from school for one hour per week, September through May, as provided by Pennsylvania State Law. The Warwick School District is NOT responsible for Released Time Programming.
Student Transportation:

Local bus company provides transportation. Warwick Released Time staff supervises the students on the bus. Lititz Elementary students walk with supervision.

Warwick Released Time (WRT) is a FREE program for all students.

Parents will not be charged anything for the cost of the Warwick Released Time Program. However, we do want you to be aware that if your child attends church on a regular basis, that church will be contacted and requested to help with the cost of the program. Most local churches pay the $160 tuition per year for their students and help with the costs for those students who have no church. No child is ever turned away from the Warwick Released Time Program. WRT is a non-profit organization and relies on contributions from our sponsors, churches, and fundraisers. Parents are never asked to do a fundraiser but invited to participate with us for our annual Isaac’s outing or and possible other events with a percentage of the proceeds forwarded to WRT .


This is our way to communicate information such as cancellations, changes, Open House and our Annual Isaac's Outing. Our Eblast comes out 3 - 5 times during the year!  We do not share your information and we value your trust.

Parents/Guardians MUST complete registration.

The District Form must be completed as well, for the school's records.